Friday, August 10, 2012

Shots Around London - Part 2

Instructions on how to ride the escalator.

Isn't it always Pimm's o'clock?  (I've been a fan since 1979.)  Here's a recent article about Pimm's from the New York Times.

Yeah, you read that right.  What you may not be able to read on the label is, "Free Range and Organic/Freshly Squeezed/The Ice Cream They Tried to Ban."  More on this unusual flavor here.


  1. Those escalator signs that say "dogs must be carried" always make me wonder what you are supposed to do if you don't have a dog...

  2. ahhh Pimm's, been a fan myself for decades - first tried it in LaCrosse up in the Bluffs back in the early 80's. Found a Pimm's bar measure glass some time ago which helps to make a perfect summertime drink. John, we had Pimm's at my folks pool and did not need all the ingredients mentioned in the NYT article to enjoy a refreshing drink. With each entry, this sounds like the trip of a lifetime!
